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Stream of consciousness

Stream of consciousness

Regular price $2,229.95 USD
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    Acklan's Stream of consciousness is an electro-urban fusion track with dHUA and Yusef Liles.

    Hypnotic beats pulse through a futuristic city. Boom bap rhythms merge with abstract synths and electric pianos. dhua's rap flows seamlessly, while Yusef Liles' spoken word echoes the dream state of global lockdown. Dark, ethereal textures blend acoustic and electronic elements. They shift the mood from calm to emotive, nostalgic to enchanting. The sound design evokes alien worlds and industrial warnings. The corralling of crowds sparks murmurs that turn to frustrated shouts beneath the city's heartbeat. dHUA's lyrics paint vivid pictures, and subtle sound design enhances the atmosphere. The track is both familiar and otherworldly, a mesmerizing exploration of sound.

    Publisher: Urban Sufi Music (SESAC), ISRC: US4PL2105281 ISWC: T3116118362 Collects With: ERC-721 NFT on Polygon.

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