Distortion & Lies
Distortion & Lies
"Distortion and Lies" delves into the blurred lines between truth and deception, set against a vibrant urban backdrop. The track combines alternative pop and hip-hop to create a captivating sound. Ethereal synths and emotive guitar riffs create nostalgia. They keep a cool, laid-back vibe. Layered beats and percussion drive the rhythm, enhancing the dreamy quality. A melancholic, robotic voice adds a futuristic touch. It invites listeners to reflect on the complexities of postmodern life. Distorted sounds blur the edges of reality, immersing listeners in a vivid urban landscape. The ambient noise of city crowds and public transit adds depth, painting a rich, otherworldly scene that captivates the senses.
Publisher: Urban Sufi Music (SESAC), ISRC: US4PL2023108 ISWC: N/A Collects With: ERC-721 NFT on Polygon.