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Autolect - Celestines Progeny

Autolect - Celestines Progeny

Regular price $59.99 USD
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Celestines Progeny, an eclectic blend of Underground Hip-hop. Featuring Wavelength & Holocon 13.

Autolect leaves an indelible mark on the music scene. Footprints etches his most prominent tracks in vinyl. One notable example is Wave Length & Holocon 13. We're printing it on a 10" vinyl. It's from his self-produced album, Celestines Progeny, released in 2008. This EP shows Autolect at his creative peak. Every note and beat resonates with great clarity. It evokes a sense of celestial harmony. This fits the ethereal space of Autolect's music when creating the album. Hasan reflects, "I still remember the space I was in when I knocked this album out." As the vinyl spins, it transports listeners to a realm where sound and emotion come together.

NFT authenticates with 12x16 Poster, 2XCD (Voc+Ins.), Vinyl (7") & Digital Audio

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